Rules & Regulations


  • Check and satisfy necessary information about this education programme / council before admission. No responsibility of the council after that.
  • Fees once paid should not be refunded or changed under any rule.
  • Every student abides to and obtains to present rule and regulations and directions of the organization and also those which are to be enforced time to time.
  • Any change of the rules & regulation directions by the exam body shall be acceptable to the student.
  • The organization run non-formal self-employment education programme only.
  • If any document found bogus the admission and result should be cancelled automatically without any notice.
  • Anyone can’t claim answer sheet verify / scrutiny.
  • If student fails to deposit the fees in the due time the admission should be cancelled without any notice and any primary deposit fees should not be refunded.
  • If study material or documents will be lost by the mistake of courier service, in that case AICOE is not responsible.
  • If any student / members / teachers / employees of any institute / centre have any dispute with the organization it will be resolved through the committee appointed by the All India Council for Open Education (AICOE), Regd. Office, under Indian Arbitration  Act 1940. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties, Direct Court will not be permissible.
Rules & Regulations

Use of unfair means

  • If the Academic Council is satisfied that a candidate has made arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with the question papers from any person connected with the examination centre or any agency within or outside the examination centre, the candidate is liable to have his/her results in the examination as a whole cancelled.
  • Candidates who are detected in giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, relating to the examination, will be reported to the Chairman and Secretary General of the Council and may be expelled from the examination hall forthwith and refused admission to subsequent examination papers.
  • The Supervising Examiner or any member of the supervisory staff shall seize the answer scripts in which the use of unfair assistance is detected / suspected.
  • The Supervising Examiner shall send the seized answer scripts with a report giving the details of the evidence and the explanation of the candidates concerned to the Chairman and Secretary General of the organization without delay and, if possible, on the day of the occurrence.
  • In case the candidates concerned refuse to give explanatory statements they should not be forced to do so, only the fact of refusal shall be recorded by the Supervising Examiner and attested by one/two member(s) of the supervisory staff on duty at the time of the occurrence, as the case may be.
  • The Supervising Examiner has the discretion to permit such candidates to answer the remaining part of the question paper but on answer sheets that are separate from those in which the use of unfair means was detected / suspected.
  • If it is subsequently discovered and the Academic Council is satisfied that candidates have either copied from other candidates or given opportunity to other candidates to copy from them or communicated with other candidates, their results in the paper or subject or subjects in question or their results in the examination as a whole will be cancelled.
  • A candidate detected in approaching directly or indirectly an examiner or any member of the staff of the Council with the object of influencing him/her regarding any candidate’s examination result shall have his/her result in the examination as a whole cancelled.
  • Candidates found guilty of disorderly conduct or causing disturbance in or near the examination hall are liable to be expelled from the examination hall forthwith and will be refused admission for subsequent examination papers.
  • Candidates using slide rules as permitted by the Regulations must see that any information (formulae or other data) shown on them is securely covered. They must also return any incorrect question paper to the Supervising Examiner immediately.
  • Candidates are not permitted to have in their possession any object or instrument which may be used as a weapon during the course of the examination.
  • Candidates disregarding the above cautions are liable to have their results in the examination as a whole cancelled.
  • Candidates obtaining admission to the examination on false representation shall be expelled from the examination hall forthwith and will be reported to the Police.
  • Candidates who are impersonated shall be reported to the Chairman and Secretary General of the organization and their results in the examination as a whole will be cancelled.
  • The decision in respect of the results of candidates who are detected / suspected of using unfair means may be delayed considerably and their results will not be issued with the results of other candidates.
  • Candidates whose results in the examination as a whole have been cancelled may be debarred from entry to any subsequent examination.

Offence by a person other than Candidate

  • The Chief Executive and Secretary of the organization may, if he so decides, hand over the case to the Police.
  • In the case of a teacher or a person connected with an institution, his/her misconduct shall be reported to the State Coordinator.
  • Entries for subsequent examinations may not be accepted from a Centre where any member of the staff has at any time committed any offence under these Regulations.
  • If the Academic Council is satisfied that the use of dishonest means in a paper or papers has been widespread at a centre, the Academic Council reserves the right to cancel the results of all candidates of that centre in the paper or papers concerned, or of the entire examination as a whole at the centre if several papers are involved.
  • For cases of use of unfair means not covered by these Regulations, the Academic Council may enforce penalties according to the nature of the offence.

Power to alter, cancel results, certificates, etc.

  • The Chairman and Secretary General of the organization shall have the power to alter or cancel the results of a candidate after it has been declared, if: (a) the candidate is found guilty of having used unfair means; (b) a mistake is found in his/her result; (c) it is observed that an attempt has been made to alter the marks of a candidate by either tampering with the script or any other means.
  • The Chairman and Secretary General of the organization shall have the power to cancel a Pass Certificate/ Supplementary Pass Certificate which has been defaced or altered in any detail without the authority of the Council or which has been obtained by impersonation or by misrepresentation of facts or by fraudulent or dishonest means of any kind.

Prevention of Ragging and other Malpractices

Students who have taken admission at All India Council for Open Education (AICOE) are advised to keep in touch with the State Coordinators or Centres. If students interact with each other, then they shall do that at their own risk and cost. As per the directives of Honourable Supreme Court of India, ragging is strictly prohibited and All India Council for Open Education (AICOE) opposes such type of practice. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the organization, then the student shall be given appropriate time to explain, failing which the organization can explain such student and all fees will be forfeited.

Duplicate copies

Students are requested that please save their ID card, Hall ticket, Mark-sheet, Certificate & others document which is issuing by the us. If lost any above, send us photo copy of this document with your Address proof and deposit INR 1,000/- in our Bank Account and send the payment slip by Email: during 30 days you will get the duplicate document/s.